Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Frontback - A Beautiful App

In this mobile phone, tablet using world, we have all become accustomed to downloading apps to enhance our lives with some 'must not miss' function or purpose being added to the machine of our choice.

Never before has there been such a vast array of software available, that in the main, is continually updated to add new functions and iron out detected bugs. But this library of available apps is so immensely large that it can sometimes cause users to miss that app that would add something remarkable to their phone or tablet.

Now we all know the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Google, Whatsapp and others that sure I've missed off my interpretation of what I consider to be the most popular list to many. But what about the not so popular apps that have found a place on the home screen of your phone or tablet, the apps that you can't live without, and you wonder why others don't find incredible.

I'm going to occasionally highlight an app that I've found and often use, this time it's an app by the name of Frontback. The concept behind Frontback is quite simple, and the idea is you take a photo with your front camera then a photo with your back camera, write a short caption and post. These rules are not written in stone, you can take both photos with your front or your back camera if you so wish.
A clever function added to Frontback is the ability to post a reaction to a post, this can be either a photo or a short video. This together with the tapping of the heart in the centre of the screen to signify your liking of a post provides, I believe, just the right amount of interaction between users. All posts are public, there is no function for private posts, which a suspect some may wish for.

There are some quite stunning photographs on Frontback from many beautiful places around the world, and is an app that is certainly worth a look. Available for iOS and Android.


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