Hello everyone, my name is Sparky Dog.
I've come here today to tell you of an occurrence three years ago today, which was Sunday 12th August 2012, a lovely summer's day if I recall correctly, but a day in which I managed, unintentionally, to annoy my Auntie Lauren.
But let's go back to the evening before, an evening of much excitement for me as I was told I'd be spending the evening and night with my Uncle Jeffrey, as my own family were going out of town for the night. Uncle Jeffrey is one of the bestest friends, and when I see him I rush around like a mad thing and jump up and down as if I'm on a trampoline.
After dinner, walkies and watching an episode of our favourite TV show, Thunderbirds, it's time for sleep. I dream about eating many bones and chasing of a few cats out of our back yard. These dreams soon come to an end as I hear Uncle Jeffrey in the kitchen making his and my breakfast.
At this point I decide it would be a good idea to do a bit of barking and door scratching, just to remind Uncle Jeffrey I'm still here, you understand. Unfortunately, this innocent bit of noise attracted the attention of the wrong person. Dear Auntie Lauren has her room directly above Uncle Jeffrey's and it would appear I had caused her to awake from her previous sleeping state.
Auntie Lauren was so outraged that she made a telephone call to Uncle Jeffrey to vent off steam and inform Uncle Jeffrey of her utmost anger at these developments so early on a Sunday morning. Now I would never call Uncle Jeffrey silly, but I really must say that it was just very slightly insensitive of him to answer the telephone and utter the words "Woof, Woof". This caused dear Auntie Lauren to go into meltdown mode, and matters became even worse when the resident dog at Uncle Jeffrey's place, Simba Dog, started to bark in all the excitement.
What a morning that was, Uncle Jeffrey and I decided it was wise to maintain a low profile until it was time for me to go home later that day, but we did have a little chuckle to ourselves at Auntie Lauren's reaction when he said "Woof, Woof", to her over the telephone.
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