Do you relish those that appear to have the confidence to deal with whatever the world presents to them, or the person that can spark up a conversation on just about any subject. Are you someone that has difficulty in dealing with situations that are either new to yourself or are within a social setting, a situation or setting that provokes an intense fear of doing the wrong thing, or perhaps unintentionally making an inappropriate remark.
The fear mentioned above could be something that many consider an everyday occurrence, such as making a telephone call or going into a shop to make a purchase. To even go outside can cause anxiety and frustration to some with a feeling of not being part of the real world.
I don’t pretend to know how to overcome these problems that some of us can occasionally or continually suffer, I am not qualified to provide such advice, but I do know that the world can sometimes be a very mean place, with many being so judgemental over the appearance or manner of others.
How Do You
by Jeffrey Wright
How do you
How do you say the words you want to say
How do you make them into plain and simple words that will be understood
How do you convince the world that you only want to join with them
How do you convince yourself to join the rest of the world
How do you stop yourself from worrying what they will say
How do you change yourself permanently today
How do you
How do you stop yourself from worrying about every action
How do you refrain from thinking every move is wrong
How do you learn to respect yourself
How do you let others respect you
How do you know when to talk
How do you know when to keep quiet
How do you
How do you know when someone likes you
How do you know if it could be love
How do you make the world understand you are unsure of what to say
How do you make a new friend
How do you give a friend a hug
How do you make a friend your love
How do you
How do you cope in this world
How do you pick up the phone and make a call
How do you tell someone they are wrong
How do you tell yourself you are right
How do you tell yourself you are not always wrong
How do you make yourself a life
How do you
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