Once upon a time, in a planet far away an app was published to the unsuspecting inhabitants of planet Earth. This app goes by the name of Natter, and subscribers to this app became known as Natterers. Natterer 1391 and Natterer 1245, more commonly known as @snicks and @JeffersOnHere, soon became members of this global network of people conducting conversations consisting of three words. Three word masterpieces that bring much fun and laughter to participants spreading their words of wisdom to other Natterers.
One day @snicks was deep in conversation with several Natterers and uttered three words consisting of 'Gumans Crave Explanations'. Now @JeffersOnHere was quick to spot the word Gumans and having never seen the word before and not wishing to appear an absolute fool in posting on Natter 'What's a Guman', spent the next hour or so trawling the web looking for some details of a Guman. Is a Guman a rare five legged animal living in the depths of a forest or perhaps a Guman was a distinct fish that was only found in the English Channel in the Middle Ages.
After a pointless search @JeffersOnHere admitted defeat and his confusion of the word, whereupon the truth of the matter came to light. If you look at a keyboard you will see the letter G is next door to the letter H, and consequently the first letter of the word should have been H not G, making Humans not Gumans, a simple typing error that caused the word Gumans to be introduced into the life of @JeffersOnHere.
From this point in time to the present day, any time @JeffersOnHere does not fully explain himself in a Natter or can not work out meaning of a fellow Natterer's Natter it has been deemed to be said @JeffersOnHere is having a Guman Moment.
Don't believe me well subscribe to Natter, and see how often @JeffersOnHere has suffered a Guman Moment, I know because I am @JeffersOnHere.
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