Sunday, 13 June 2021

Geneva - Group Chat and Video

I’m always on the lookout for something new and different in the world of social media and phone/tablet apps in general.

I’ve recently discovered an app by the name of Geneva. An app available for iOS, Android and also it’s available on the web. 

This system differs from the general run of social media currently on the scene in that you can configure it to your requirements. What you create within the app can be as public as you wish letting anyone view and/or contribute, or you can have something more private, allowing contributions from just a few selected family members and/or friends. 

Within Geneva are what are called houses and within each house are rooms. Each room can serve a different purpose/function, currently there are five different types:

Chat Rooms: Basic postings of text with optional gifs, images, videos, hyperlinks and replies, which can contain any of the elements contained in the opening message. 

Post Rooms: Similar to Chat Rooms with a few more features. 

Audio Rooms: Where you can converse via sound live with others in the room

Video Rooms: As with Audio Rooms, but live with video, up to 16 people can partake at any one time in a video room

Broadcast Rooms: This is again live video, but this time up to 9 people can actually partake in video proceedings or be on stage with thousands in the audience, who can text chat with those on stage and request to become part of the video proceedings 

Apparently, there is more to come.

I myself have created a house and created a few rooms with some friends I’ve met over the years on other social media sites. The house is called ‘The Orchard 🌳’. The beauty of Geneva is you can make your house as open or private as you wish. We haven’t set up any audio or video rooms as of yet, but perhaps in the future that may occur. 

What we’ve created so far are:

The Chat Room: For general posts and discussion 

Three Little Words: An attempt to bring back the feeling of a sadly closed and much missed app by the name of Natter, where your posts consisted of a maximum three words plus an optional hashtag and image, may sound very basic, but it’s fun

What We’re Watching: Exactly what it says in the room name. Tell all what your current favourite ‘must watch’ is

Seal Snap Posts: There’s an app by the name of Seal that a few of us use. This room is an extension of this app, giving us a chance to discuss what we’ve all posted on Seal

Trees: All orchards contain trees, it’s an odd orchard with no trees! So we had to have a tree room, which basically is mainly photographs of trees taken by contributors. Post a photograph of your favourite tree 🌳 

If you want to see more and what is possible then there is an invitation below to the house I’ve created in Geneva. See you in ‘The Orchard🌳’. 

Feel free to have a look, and post something in the ‘Chat’ room or get involved with some of the other rooms we’ve created.

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