Saturday, 4 June 2016


What is it about drivers that makes them feel they must put their foot down on the accelerator when they see traffic lights change from green, and act like mad men or women that must at whatever the consequences get across the junction were said traffic lights reside.

There I was walking home after doing some shopping, a few days ago. I approached a junction where some roadworks where taking place and temporary traffic lights had been placed to control the traffic. The lights were green, so yours truly waited patiently for a change in colour and the traffic to stop before crossing.

Amber followed by red, the cars pulled up as per their duty and as specified in the Highway Code. Jeffrey started to cautiously cross the road, looking and listening as crossing, as we all should do when crossing a road. Just about half way across the road, I was alerted to the sight of a car approaching me at excessive speed. It appears the driver of this car was having none of this queueing and waiting behind the other traffic, and overtook the other vehicles and drove through the red light with absolutely no thought or consideration of the consequences of his/her actions.

It was luck on my part that I was paying attention to what I was doing and luckily managed to step back and let this absolute idiot pass by. I dread to think what would have happened if I'd have been a child or an elderly person crossing the road who would most likely not have been able to move out of the way so quickly.

Please, if you are a driver and you are one of those that are guilty of carrying out the potentially lethal practice of putting your foot down on the accelerator pedal when the traffic lights change please do think of the consequences, which could result in death or serious injury. Is it really that important that you get to your destination so soon.

Perhaps the government should consider introducing compulsory retaking of driving tests after, say every 10 years, could be a way to stop drivers getting into such bad habits.


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