Friday, 21 April 2017

The Daily Peach Photo Challenge

I use a social media app by the name of Peach, versions of which are available for both Android and iOS. Myself and a group of friends on said app take part in a daily photo challenge, where you are given a word or phrase each day and the idea is you either take a photograph or find one in your camera roll that in some way relates to said word or phrase.

It's a no pressure challenge, there is no daily winner, you don't have to post your photo by a certain time, you can be a week late or miss a day if you so desire. It's all done just for fun. Over the past few months I've posted the occasional Peach Photo Challenge on my Facebook feed and had a thought this morning, why not put these occasional posts on my blog, and perhaps attract a wider audience.

So, enough blurb. Let's reproduce here yesterday's Peach Photo Challenge:

🍑April Peach Photo Challenge: Day 20: Corner

A loudspeaker occupying one of the corners in my lounge. A few days ago I decided I needed a new corner, so off I go down to the nearest corner shop.

"Good morning, I'd like a new corner please, 5ft 6ins by 3ft 7ins", I said to the young lady behind the counter. Imagine my disgust when she looked at me as if I'd just escaped from the local lunatic asylum. "I'll sell you a loaf of bread, or a pint of milk or even half a dozen eggs, but we get no demand for corners in here", she said with a sarcastic tone to her voice.

At this point I was getting rather annoyed. I took my tea cosy hat off, and asked why are there all these corner shops around our glorious town, but none of them sell corners.

I put my tea cosy hat back on and walked out the door singing one of my favourite songs "I'm A Teapot".

I know absolute and complete nonsense, then isn't a lot of what I post so inclined. If you fancy looking up more of my nonsense download the Peach app and look for user @JeffersOnHere.

Have fun!

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