Saturday, 22 April 2017

BlogTouch Pro

Hello there and welcome back to Wright Chatter. It's been a while since I've done a Wright Chatter post, apart from the one I did yesterday, which was written using the web browser Safari on my iPad. Unfortunately, it is somewhat of a mission to use Safari on the iPad to write a blogger post with many of the functions available for creating a post not working very well. The app I was using on my iPad to write blogger posts appears to have been abandoned by developers, and these two reasons are really why Wright Chatter fell into disuse. 

Yesterday a search on the App Store revealed to me a chargeable app that I hadn't come across before by the name of BlogTouch Pro, this is an app that does also have a free version that allows all the functions of the chargeable version with the exception that nothing can be published. After a play with the free version, I decided to purchase same, and am using it right now to create this post.

A very user friendly interface, that allows many functions to be used. Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike-Out all at the touch of a button. 
Change size of font.
Change font colour. Change background colour.
Change font.
And it's also possible to combine any of these styles.

Add an image or video from your camera, camera roll or a URL
Add a video from YouTube or Vimeo

Insert a link 
BBC News Item about ITV's The Nightly Show

There are other button enabling features that I need to get my head around, but that's the main stuff. The app is well worth a look if you're a blogger and use Google's Blogger service. It does cost £4.99, which will be a turn off for many, but for me it's good to be able to use my iPad again to post a blog without having to power up the PC.

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